Saturday, August 31, 2019

Antigone Minor Character Essay

The play Antigone tells the story of one of Oedipus’ daughters standing up to the law in order to honor her brother. The story begins after Polyneices and Eteocles have killed each other and King Creon issues an edict forbidding the burial of Polyneices. In the prologue Antigone’s sister Ismene is introduced. Ismene while a minor character serves a great purpose in the play. In the opening lines of the play a dialogue is occurring between Ismene and Antigone. In lines 14-29 Antigone is telling Ismene of her plan to bury Polyneices even though Creon forbids it. Ismene tells her â€Å"We are only women; We cannot fight with men†¦. We must give in to the law†. Ismene’s refusal and fear of breaking the law serves to emphasize Antigone’s stubbornness and hardheadedness. In scene 2 when Ismene tries to take partial blame for the burial of Polyneices, Antigone refuses her. This shows Antigone’s pride for her actions and her protectiveness and loyalty to her family. Ismene is included to act as a foil to Antigone’s character. Where Ismene not included in the play, the play would not have such a great effect. Ismene represents the average women in this Greek society. Had her character not been introduced the reader would assume that all women in that society were as hardheaded and stubborn as Antigone. If Antigone would have represented the average woman the theme of loyalty to family would be lost. Through out the prologue Ismene refers back to the fact that they are just women and have no power against the laws or what is done about them. In scene 2 Creon is convinced that it was a man who buried Polyneices and not a woman this serves to verify the gender roles in Greek society. Ismene’s shy, hesitant, and reluctant behavior is typical of a woman of that society since after all they had no rights and were treated as property. In conclusion Ismene while a minor character serves the role of a foil to Antigone by emphasizing Antigone’s hardheaded stubbornness. She is included to show how typical women in Greek society acted and what they believed. If it weren’t for Ismene several themes in the story would not appear.

Language Is Not the Only Problem Faced by International Students

Language is not the only problem faced by international students in the UK. To what extent do you agree with this statement? International students are very important for the economic growth of the UK. Number of international students in UK was about 405,910 in 2009 and in 2010 it increased up to 428,225 (which is about 6%). These students play a very important role in UK’s economy and bring huge income to the country. Shane Spiers, managing director of UNITE says â€Å"The UK's higher education sector-and, indeed, the UK economy-rely heavily on the income derived from international students†. As the research from the Department for Business Innovation and Skills called Estimating the value to the UK of Education Experts (June 2011) says that in 2008-2009 income of the tuition fee to the UK was oven than ? 4 billion where ? 2. 4 billion for HE, ? 139 million for FE and ? 880 million for english language. The same BIS research noticed that in 2025 this number could rise as high as ? 26 billion. Another income for UK income comes from science, technology, engineering and mathematics’: 40% of UK postgraduates, 50% of those doing full-time research degrees. English language became an international language and this is one of the main reasons why many students travel to UK to learn english. Another reason is that education in UK is recognized as high level or â€Å"world-class education†. International students in UK can face many problems and the most common one is the language barrier. Even for students who know english it may be hard for them to understand dialect of UK citizens. For example: In class teacher speaks academic english and uses special words which depend on the subject that they are learning.This is a common problem, but teachers are always ready to help students, so in a way, this issue is solved. There are many other problems that could be more serious for the students. International students are living in a foreign cou ntry where they could be victims of racial discrimination or they could face financial difficulties or just feel homesick of their country. Most of the students are inexperienced in living away from their home, so this is their first experience in an unfamiliar environment with different culture and traditions, trying to adapt and co-exist with the others.Evidently at the beginning they can face problems such as culture shock and the difficulties in communication. Two general issues are very popular for most of the international students which are finance managing and making/finding/building friendship. This essay will define three very popular problems that international students may face. Life and education in UK is very expensive and it might be hard for some students to afford it, so they have to borrow large amount of money from their parents or relatives in order to pay for education and life in UK. Students must be very good in managing finances.Comparing cost of products in UK with the cost of products in their home country will be different, so it might be hard for them at the beginning to manage their finances. Mis-allocation of finance can lead to large loss of money and at the end of year students may be left destitute. Apart from this overseas education represents a huge investment by family and students may feel that they have to return this money or at least to make a profit by working in part-time job and limit their expenditures. Students probably may try their best to reduce the pressure on their family.Students will try to concentrate more spend more time looking for work rather than concentrating on studying. Many university activities require membership fees to enter the society and may have further expenses for some trips or extra activities. This could keep away the students from joining the societies or clubs and isolating them from the social part of the university life. This could lead to loneliness and depression. Finance problems ca n push student to reduce the time at work available for study and this can cause academic consequences.According to the managing finances, problems with communication and friendship can happen. The satisfaction level of living in UK is very important and makes a positive impact on academy. This satisfaction can be provided by friendship with other students and more likely with British people. Friendship with local students could be more useful than friendship with co-national by several reasons the main one is the language improvement. However, international students may find it difficult. The reason of that is the big difference in culture or mentality.International students can find their behavior strange or dissimilar in contrast with people in their homeland. Communication is not just talking, it also contains eye contact, body language, tone of voice and even national privileges. All together they can make communication very easy or can be a cause of disaffection. For instance, international students may struggle with eye contact – when to give eye contact or where to look away and do not make people feel uncomfortable. Tone of voice also can be a reason of misunderstanding.The rules of communication people get from their parents and mentality and to change them can be hard. Finally, international students can have a problem known as â€Å"culture shock†. First this problem was defined by Canadian anthropologist Kalervo Oberg in 1960. Dr. Oberg stated that culture shock is â€Å"the anxiety that results from losing familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse†. The most common signs of â€Å"culture shock† are homesickness, avoiding contact with the locals, marital stress, loss of concentration, frequent desire to cry, and losses of all the aims in UK.Mostly duration of culture shock is 6 month but for some student may be longer. During this time students are comparing new country to their homeland. In conclusion, internati onal students in UK face many problems apart from the language barrier. All of these problems may have a negative impact on studies. However, solving these problems will help students to become morally stronger and more responsible. These three general problems can teach an international student how to adapt fast in a new country in his or her future life.These problems cannot stay unsolved and if students are struggling with them in university they can find some free tutorials and tutors who can give a good advice about how to juggle study with solving these problems. References Sally Adamson Taylor (2010,). Retrieved from http:// americansintoulouse. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=47 Machalicek W. , Ganz J. B. , Flores . M. , Zimbelman M (2005-2009) Retrieved from http://www. asdvisualaids. com/social-communication-difficulties. htmlShane Spiers, (2011, June). Retrieved from http://ukcisa. org. uk , http://smartmoverelocate. com Colleen Ward, Stephen Bochner, Adrian Furnham (2001) Retrieved from book: The Psychology of Culture Shock (Second edition) Maureen S. , Andrade and Norman W. Evans (2009) Retrieved from book: International students – Strengthening a Critical Resource. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Education. Nannette Rundle Carroll (2010) Retrieved from book: The Communication Problem Solver. Simple tools and Techniques for Busy Managers

Friday, August 30, 2019

Iqbal’s Theory of Knowledge Essay

Iqbal cannot be classed under any of the three schools of philosophical thought: the empiricist, the rationalist or the intuitionist. In his theory of knowledge, sense perception, reason and intuition, all are combined in an organic whole. He knew full well that light from one direction alone could not illumine the whole of reality in all its manifestations. The ontological problem needs to be approached from all angles, scientific and religious, in order to secure some articulate, luminous and well-established grounds. It is in the light of this view that he advances his theory of knowledge, which promises both direct evidence and indirect experience of God or Reality—the former by intuition or immediate experience and the latter by reflective thought. Rationalism, though not admired, is not wholly condemned and discarded by him. On the contrary, according to him, if rationalism is not divorced from concrete reality, it represents truth. This is visible from his own attitude and is also betrayed by his admiration for prophets and mystics and non-mystic rationalists, whose quest and yearning for a coherent system of ideas resting on a rational foundation and rendering religion more secure and fruitful is well-known[1]. He admits and justifies the metaphysical methods. In his words, â€Å"Now since the transformation and guidance of man’s inner and outer life is the essential aim of religion, it is obvious that the religious truths which it embodies must not remain unsettled. No one would hazard action on the basis of doubtful principles of conduct. Indeed, in view of its function, religion stands in greater need of rational foundation of its ultimate principles than even the dogmas of science. Science may even ignore a rational metaphysics; indeed it has ignored it so far. Religion can hardly afford to ignore the search for a reconciliation of the opposition of experience and justification of the environment in which humanity finds itself. â€Å"[2] But rationalism, as preached by Iqbal, is not based upon logical categories or mere abstract representations. Born of and nursed in the realism of purely abstract ideas it is not divorced from concrete, reality. It has a definite function to perform which should not, however, be over-emphasised to the detriment of other knowledge-yielding elements—at the expense of sense experience and other sources of knowledge. Thus, while Iqbal embraces rationalism, he is not prepared to justify it at the cost of sense experience. Abstract thinking apart from the latter is of no consequence and even dangerous. He criticises Socrates, Plato, Mu’tazilites and other thinkers for avoiding visible reality as unreliable and misleading. Socrates restricts the field of inquiry to the human problems particularly to morality. â€Å"Trees†, he says, â€Å"can teach me nothing. † Even within the human field he believes knowledge is possible only through concepts. [3] Only reason could give true and ultimate know-ledge; sensation gives only imagination or at the most belief. Plato also accuses sense-perception as capable of giving mere opinion and not real knowledge. He rests all knowledge upon pure reason and weaves the whole fabric of Supreme and Ultimate Reality out of ideas, taken as Eternal and Really Real. This attitude towards sense-perception is not without a parallel in the subsequent thought. Ibn Rushd and Al-Ghazali, the former while defending and the latter while attacking Greek Philosophy, have troddden the same path as far as the avoidance of empirical reality is concerned. Iqbal attacks Ibn Rushd as well as Al-Ghazali. He contends that Ibn Rushd, through his doctrine of Immortality of the Active Intellect, takes a view opposed to what the Qur’an has to say about the value and destiny of the human ego, and thus obscures man’s vision of himself, his God and his world. Similarly, Al-Ghazali’s philosophical scepticism is held by him as an unsafe basis for religion; it is also not wholly justified by the spirit of the Qur’an[4]. All this shows that Iqbal is in favour of taking full congnizance of the visible and concrete reality. He does not encourage man’s contemplative spirit to the extent that it may lead to his withdrawal from the world of matter, which. with its tempora. flux and shifting phenomena, is organically related to Ultimate Reality. Hence, for the purposes of knowledge, it is entirely inconceivable to turn away from the material world and to withdraw into a purely contemplative circuit. There is no possibility of complete separation or independence of thought from concrete experience. On the contrary, one should take his start from here because it is the mental comprehension of the concrete that makes it possible for the intellect of man to pass beyond the concrete. [5] He invites us to take account of and to be fully awake to the material phenomena with all their passing and changing scenes and sights—heaven and earth, sun and stars, clouds and mountains, deserts and oceans. They are the signs of the Ultimate Reality and it is the duty of- one to reflect on these signs and not to pass by them as if one is like the deaf and the blind, for one who does not see these signs in this life will remain blind to the realities of the life to come. [7] They are the manifestations of Divine Effulgence and reflective observation into their ultimate nature reveals the secret of Divine Reality[8]. As a matter of fact, Iqbal takes an eclectic view of the whole question. He preaches neither reason nor sense-perception exclusively. Sensation being a chaotic jumble, upholds Iqbal, cannot lead to knowledge. It is reason that imparts harmony, organisation and coherence to this chaotic jumble and moulds it into a knowledge-yielding pattern. He pleads for reflective observation and scientific experiment. He takes full advantage of modern empirical science, though he never stops short at the visible aspect of Reality as the last word in the realm of existence. The sensible Reality is only a symbol of the Ultimate Reality, and the empirical attitude would bring us into contact with it. Qur’an also takes both the conceptual and non-conceptual attitude towards existence. It recognizes the rationalistic attitude as the cause of the superiority of man over angels, and goes on to say that man has the ability to name things which endows him with the power of capturing them intellectually and thereby rising in the level of existence. But concepts here are not abstract logical entities. They are based on facts of sensation and are indissolubly united with the sensible and observable aspect of Reality. In other words, the knowledge of things is described by Qur’an as the knowledge of names. [9] Again, Qur’an repeatedly invites man to take acount of the physical phenomena. As lqbal puts it, the Qur’an â€Å"sees in the humble be a recipient of Divine Inspiration and constantly calls upon the reader to observe the perpetual change of the winds. the alternation of day and night, the clouds, the starry heavens, and the planets swimming through infinite space†[10]. Iqbal fully agrees with the non-classical attitude of Qur’an and develops his own theory in consonance with it. Qur’an has a place for both metaphysics and empirical sciences. And it is through metaphysical search-light that Iqbal examines scientific researches and develops his own theory. But Iqbal is fully alive to the limitations and short comings of knowledge gained through the normal channels. Firstly, scientific investigation and analytic thought have inherent limitations which are unavoidable. Scientific analysis is never complete and exhaustive in its nature. Reality is an organic whole. Its parts are united by vital internal connections. This underlying relationship confers a wholeness in the diversities and pluralities. Analysis would select a part of reality which, when taken apart, would become lifeless, shorn of the qualities it has by virtue of its integral position within a whole. It is rendered meaningless apart from its relations, as a part separated from its pattern, a single dot or line taken out from the whole picture. Besides, analysis because of the immense complexity of its object can never attain ideal completeness. The ideal analysis involves the description of all the constitutive elements of a subject. It fails if any single element escapes notice or the units reached in the process are not ultimate. However, such an ideal cannot be accomplished, hampered as we are by our limitations. If we go a step further we find that the defect of analysis would also distort synthesis which is based upon it. In synthesis those elements only are combined that are discovered in the process of analysis. Thus the incompleteness of analysis results in the incompleteness of synthesis. It is obvious that an object discovered in this manner is not what it actually is but merely what it is mentally cons-trued. Even if the completeness of analysis is taken for granted, what we cannot afford to overlook is the importance of the vital inner connections underlying the whole reality, which are lost through the analytic procedure. Spaulding, who believes that the whole is nothing but â€Å"the parts and their properties and the relations relating the parts and the possibly specific properties of the whole,†[11] has tried to remedy this defect of analysis. He asserts that the knowledge of the parts when accompanied with the knowledge of their relations could give the knowledge of the whole. This assertion carries some truth in the mechanical realm but is futile in its application to the knowledge of an organic whole. The properties of the whole can be known from the observation of the behaviour of the whole as a whole; analysis does not disclose them. â€Å"‘[12] Iqbal has kept this fact in view and does not over-emphasise the role of the analytic method, though he assigns to it a legitimate place in the practical domain. According to him, empirical sciences give a sectional and fragmentary knowledge of reality which, though trust worthy, verifiable and even useful so far as the prediction and con trol of events of nature go, does not explain Ultimate Reality in its entirety. Glorify as they do in an artificial, selective and sectional process which uses concepts relatively applicable to different levels of experience, they fail to give the complete view of Reality. [13] It is an irony that our analytic thought first puts a veil on the face of Reality[14] and then endeavours to penetrate through it. Its path is zigzag and intricate; its approach and progress are gradual and slow. [15] Yet another difficulty besets the knowledge of ultimate reality. The subjective element, as the constituent element in the sensible Reality, has rendered the really Real unknowable. Kant goes so far as to reduce even space and time to subjective modes or forms of apprehending Reality; they are no more objective realities, empirical concepts or outward intuitions. They are merely the constructions or forms of inner sense, the necessary a -priori representations under-lying all outer intuitions. [16] The manifold of senses when it reaches us, has lost its purity; in order to reach us it has to fulfil the formal conditions and is bound to pass through the coloured glasses of space and time. â€Å"The thing in itself is only the limiting idea. Its function is merely regulative. If there is some actuality corresponding to the idea it falls outside the boundaries of experience and consequently its existence cannot be rationally demonstrated. â€Å"[17] Iqbal also believes that serial time and space are subjective and not objective realities. [18] But he disagrees with Kant in so far as the acquisition of the knowledge of Ultimate Reality is concerned. The Ultimate Reality lies outside the normal level of experience, inaccessible to sense-perception and pure reason. But the normal level is not the only knowledge-yielding level. [19] Though Iqbal is convinced that serial time and space ate subjective, he departs from the view that they are the final and inflexible mental forms determining and limiting all knowledge. He takes the view that our intuitive experience is not determined and systematised by space and time. When we dive within our own self and pass from sense-perception to intuition of the self, we perceive Reality, not as a concept or intellectual onstruction, not as a solid block or substratum underlying or holding together all experience, but as a dynamic and creative flow living in pure duration in which time is divested of spatiality and appears in its organic wholeness. However, it is no less true that this stage is attainable only through profound meditation, when the appreciative self gets the upper hand and all its potentialities are unfolded. It is now that the psychological experience expands into the intuition of Ultimate Rea lity—God. It discloses Ultimate Reality as a flux, a dynamic and creative flow that involves a progressive synthesis of various stages, in which life, thought and purpose all interpenetrate to form an organic whole. [20] Iqbal identifies intuition or immediate experience with love. Intuition or love would unfold to him new spheres of illumination, wherein unroll vistas of Reality comprehending Divine Presence itself. In contrast, the knowledge yielded by intellect is sectional, piece-meat and fragmentary because it is involved in the labyrinth of space and time. The knowledge through intuition is not imparted partially and byinnuendo. It is grounded in the deeper and higher self of man. It is incorporeal and eternal and leads directly to the incorporeal and the eternal. [21] Knowledge through love or intuition means knowledge through the heart, wherein we have change but no succession, pure duration but no serial time. [22] It comes with a surer step, has a higher and more profound air of authority about it and is born out of direct and immediate luminousness. But it should not be construed that intuition is antagonistic to analytic thought or intellect. Love and intellect both aim at the knowledge of reality and differ only in the courses they adopt. The intellect grasps and views certain parts of reality as abstracted from the whole; it gives only the temporal aspect of reality. Intuition reveals the reality in its wholeness and fulness. It is the method which takes things as a whole without waiting for analysis. Through a comprehensive grasp it gives the deepest truth. It forms that point of vantage which affords a perspective of the whole domain of Reality. Rather, it is the gateway at which Truth and Reality â€Å"rap and knock and enter our soul. Intuition and intellect together may be visualised as a double-edged sword in man’s hand. With one edge he invades the Ultimate Reality; with file other he invades the Universe. In other words, the ego has two eyes: with one eye he sees and approaches the inner and invisible Reality, with the other, the visible Reality. If the ego sees with one eye, it commits a great sin; if i t uses both eyes it reaches its destination. [23] Neither of them constitutes the exhaustive method or the only road to truth. Both should be employed and potentiated in the pursuit of exhaustive knowledge. They have a common source and are complementary to each other. Intuition is only a higher developmental state of intellect, and in order to view Reality as a whole it is necessary that we supplement intuition with intellect. [24] Intellect, when it is fused with love, becomes, as it were, illuminated by Divine Light; similarly, love when buttressed by intellect becomes more powerful and potent. [25] Knowledge based entirely upon reason and intellect, the intricate labyrinth of abstract reasoning, can lead to that articulation of beliefs which constitutes proof and demonstrated knowledge. But unless intellect is supplemented with intuition, this knowledge would become narrow, partial and lifeless and would lead to stagnation and pedantry. Intuition is its life and spirit; it is its â€Å"ruh ul-qudus† without which it would be reduced to a mere magic show, too impotent and crippled to lead us on to fruitful results. [26] Intellect, if not guided by love, becomes devilish or satanic—an evil force. It generates darkness and leads the world to blind power, chaos and destruction. Unanimated by love it is dead and lifeless, and its arrow, unguided as it is, flies without aim. 27] Let it be quickened and guided by intuition, love, yearning, and it shall yield knowledge par excellence—good, rounded and indispensable knowledge—knowledge which is power, encompassing heaven and deriving light from the stars, which contains the description of the whole existence and to which is related the destiny of the whole of existence. Intellect infused with intu ition gives celestial and divine knowledge. [28] Intuition or love is thus the very law of life and regulative power. It expands and enriches personality, and confers vision. At the same time, it is corrective of intellect and abstract thought, of science and common sense. If the above analysis is correct, the unqualified dismissal of the role of intuition or love in the achievement of knowledge as unscientific by the apostles of reason would appear to be highly unreasonable. Though intuition is a mode of dealing with Reality in which sense-perception has no part to play, yet it gives knowledge, which is as concrete as that yielded by any other experience. [29] Intuition has its peculiar characteristics which differentiate it from intellect and sense-perception. They can be enumerated as follows: 1. It gives the direct and immediate experience of Aboslute Reality or God. â€Å"God is not a mathematical entity or a system of concepts mutually related to one another and having no reference to experience. [30] Intuition gives the experience of God as sense-experience gives the experience of perceptible reality. And as regions of normal experience are subject to interpretation of sense-data for our knowledge of the external world, so the region of mystic experience is subject to interpretation for our knowledge of God. [31] 2. Mystic experience is characterised with un-analysable wholeness.  It gives reality as an indivisible organic unity, not as broken segments with many missing links. The reason is that it does not entangle itself in a sectional treatment of reality, which would allow only a selective study of certain parts of its visible aspects. This modus operandi is the de-light of rational consciousness, which specialises in analysis and synthesis as dictated by the practical needs of adaptation to our environment. [32] As for example, out of the innumerable sense-data in a room, our rational consciousness selects only that which on synthesis would yield us the single experience of a table. 33]In mystic experience which includes the cognitive element in its minimum degree, there is no possibility of such analysis. It is unique in so far as it ranges beyond these frontiers and brings us into contact with the total passage of reality, in which all the diverse stimuli run into one another forming a single un-analysable unity, and in which the ordinary distinctness of subject and object does not exist. [34]But we should not run away with the idea that mystic experience is some â€Å"mysterious faculty†[35] having no continuity with ordinary consciousness, as maintained by William James. 3. God or Ultimate and Perfect Reality is both immanent and transcendent. He not only permeates and encompasses the universe but also His domain rolls beyond it. He is the unique Other Self that transcends and encompasses the private personality of the finite individual Self. Mystic experience brings the mystic into direct communion with God, â€Å"momentarily suppressing†[36] his own individuality. He is for the time being submerged in Supreme Reality and loses consciousness of himself as a distinct and private personality. But he emerges from his experience all the richer for in this brief moment of intimate association with God he has perceived Him as an Independent Other Self and as a Concrete Individual. It is, therefore, erroneous to presume that the mystic state is â€Å"a mere retirement into the mists of pure subjectivity. â€Å"[37] Far from being so the contents of this experience are as objective as the knowledge yielded by an ordinary social experience. This may sound strange because we tend to believe that all objective experience must necessarily stem from sense-perception. But it is an extremely fallacious view. For, if it were true, we could never be sure of the reality of our social experience in so far as we know others as conscious beings. Granted that the knowledge of visible reality is based on sense-perception. granted also that the knowledge of our own inner and outer self is based on inner reflection and sense-perception, but when it comes to the knowledge of other conscious beings as such we are undergoing immediate experience—we are inferring the existence of a similar consciousness in them on the analogy of our own emotional states, which are exhibited by the two of us by similar physical movements. We do not tarry to work out or belabour the analogy in our daily lives; but the knowledge that the individual before us is a conscious being floods our mind as an immediate experience, which is further supplemented by his response to our signals a fact which gives completeness to our fragmentary meanings. We never entertain any doubt about the validity of this knowledge because of its inferential quality. In the ultimate analysis the mystic and the social experience are parallel to each other; and they- therefore belong to the same category. 4. The mystic experience is direct and immediate and hence does not lend itself to communication as such. it is feeling rather than thought, but like all other feelings it has a thought element which gives it direction and shapes it into an idea. it has two aspects: non-temporal and temporal. The non-temporal aspect is feeling, whereas the temporal aspect is idea. The non-temporal aspect is also not without a sense of direction. Feeling is outward-pushing as idea is outward-reporting.  Feeling is ever directed towards something that is feeling, some objective which transforms its characteristic instability into stability. It gives the direct vision of reality, But mystic experience, untouched as it is by discursive intellect, would not lend itself to transmission in logical forms. Nevertheless it seeks expression in thought and can be conveyed as interpreted by the prophet or the mystic who has experienced it. [39] 5. The mystic eperience reveals Reality as an eternal whole unbounded by past and future, as a single eternal now. nd establishes the unreality of the serial character of space and establishes the unreality of the serial character of space and time. But this state does not abide. It gives the vision of reality and soon fades away leaving a sense of authority behind it. [40] â€Å"Both the mystic and prophet return to the normal levels of experience; but with this difference that the return of the prophet may be fraught with infinite meaning for mankind. â€Å"[41] The path to intuition, according to Iqbal, lies through religion. The intuition of the self as a psychological experience is approach-able to all even at the normal level. But the higher intuition or the intuition of God is achieved gradually through a definite course only as the religious consciousness expands in intensity and richness. It consists of three stages, faith, thought and discovery. The first is the period when the individual, through his adherence to the unconditional command, cultivates self-discipline. Here we have the undemurring surrender to Divine Law without the interference of reason or logical demonstration. It enables man to find his niche in the set-up of political and social life. But so far as the evolution of man’s inner self is concerned it is of no consequence. This stage leads to the next where reason and rational understanding manifest themselves as the source and ground of the authority of discipline, thus basing religion on metaphysics or philosophy. This is followed by the third and highest stage where philosophy gives place to psychology and the individual develops a yearning to attain direct contact with Divine Reality. It is here that religion becomes a matter of assimilation of life and power; and the individual achieves a free personality, not by releasing himself from the fetters of the law, but by discovering the ultimate source of the law within the depths of his own consciousness†. [42] The Book is not imposed as something external but is revealed to a prophet. It is the period of discovery or intuition. â€Å"The climax of religious life, however, is the discovery of the ego as an individual deeper than his conceptually describable habitual self-hood. It is in contact with the Most Real that the ego discovers its uniqueness, its metaphysical status and the possibility of improvement in that status. Strictly speaking, the experience which leads to this discovery is not a conceptually manageable intellectual fact: it is a vital fact, an attitude consequent on an inner biological transformation which cannot be captured in the net of logical categories. It can embody itself only in a world-making or world-shaking act; and in this form alone the content of this timeless experience can diffuse itself in the time-movement, and make itself effectively visible to the eye of history. It seems that the method of dealing with Reality by means of concepts is not at all a serious way of dealing with it. Science does not care whether its electron is a real entity or not. It may be a mere symbol, a mere convention. Religion, which is essentially a mode of actual living, is the only serious way of handling Reality. â€Å"[43] Science deals with concepts, factual reality or the â€Å"causality-bound aspect of nature†, but the physical, sensible and external causality-bound aspect of nature does not exhaust the realm of Reality. The other aspect of reality is not less important than the visible one. It invades consciousness from another direction. untouched by rational thought dealing with the optically present universe. This broad path can be opened through religion only, because religion concerns itself with deed, which is the outcome of the constant attitude of man’s whole personality or structure to reality. The deed, â€Å"i. e. the control of man’s physiological and psychological processes†, is dynamically related to reality and prepares the finite self for immediate association with Infinite Ego. [44] Hence, religion, as lqbal would have it, is not a mere collection of dogmas or theological formulae: â€Å"Conservatism is as bad in religion as in any other department of human activity. It destroys the ego’s creative freedom and closes up the paths of fresh spiritual enterprise. â€Å"[45]Religion in its highest manifestation does not imply the life-denying and fact-avoiding attitude. It does not work as an external imposition on the free and spontaneous expression of human personality. On the contrary, it is the open sesame to fresh and mere fruitful directions to communicate with the Ultimately Real. It awakens and actualizes the level lying close to the normal level, directing one’s vision to the inner side of the self. It regenerates the inner powers and possibilities of the human self. It expands and enriches the fields of human thought and emotion. It unlocks fresh spiritual sources. During this period man gets the power to overcome his intellectual reconstruction and to penetrate the crust of causal sequence and spatio-temporal manifold. He comes into contact with the everlasting and eternal source of life and power. Here we have a picture of Iqbal’s theory of knowledge in which he endeavours to give us a clue to the Ultimate Reality. Whether the perfect knowledge of the actual and The Ultimate Reality, of the final nature and essence of things is possible is a very subtle question. Iqbal’s answer to it is an unhesitating, bold and optimistic affirmation. Reality can be known, grasped and comprehended not only in its partial and fragmentary aspect but also in its completeness. The great merit and virtue of his theory lies in the fact that he does not adopt and exalt any one method at the cost of the others.

Doing Your Homework Essay

You should do your own homework. Copying someone else is illegal, and you can get a failing grade or even be kicked out of school. If you cheat on your job, you can be fired or arrested and put into jail; the government will certainly find you if you cheat on your taxes! Copying someone else’s homework also means that you never learn how to do that work for yourself, so when you need the information later (let’s say the teacher actually gives you a test on it where you can’t copy! ) then you don’t know how to do it and you get another bad grade. Also, if you don’t do your homework, you never learn how to discipline yourself to do unpleasant things, and when you grow up you will always have trouble making yourself do things like your job, paying your bills, and saving money. In short, doing your own homework is the best way to go! ?You should do your own homework. Copying someone else is illegal, and you can get a failing grade or even be kicked out of school. If you cheat on your job, you can be fired or arrested and put into jail; the government will certainly find you if you cheat on your taxes! Copying someone else’s homework also means that you never learn how to do that work for yourself, so when you need the information later (let’s say the teacher actually gives you a test on it where you can’t copy! ) then you don’t know how to do it and you get another bad grade. Also, if you don’t do your homework, you never learn how to discipline yourself to do unpleasant things, and when you grow up you will always have trouble making yourself do things like your job, paying your bills, and saving money. In short, doing your own homework is the best way to go! ?You should do your own homework. Copying someone else is illegal, and you can get a failing grade or even be kicked out of school. If you cheat on your job, you can be fired or arrested and put into jail; the government will certainly find you if you cheat on your taxes! Copying someone else’s homework also means that you never learn how to do that work for yourself, so when you need the information later (let’s say the teacher actually gives you a test on it where you can’t copy! Then you don’t know how to do it and you get another bad grade. Also, if you don’t do your homework, you never learn how to discipline yourself to do unpleasant things, and when you grow up you will always have trouble making yourself do things like your job, paying your bills, and saving money. In short, doing your own homework is the best way to go! ?You should do your own homework.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Narayan's argument is stronger and more valid than Rushdie's Essay

Narayan's argument is stronger and more valid than Rushdie's - Essay Example While, Narayan’s argument is based on the premise that the writers who are no longer a part of their homelands, tend to lose their cultural identity and tend to become â€Å"cultural† orphans. However, the view point of Rushdie is tangentially different and emphasizes on the other extreme. This one is based on the fact that the writers attain a broader understanding of culture. Having carefully seen both the arguments, let us try to analyze the basis of these arguments. In order to understand the basis of these arguments, it is vital to comprehend the meaning of culture. Culture has a lot of dimensions, which have a residual impact on the functional element of the basic understanding of one’s surroundings. Fundamental premise Culture has a number of definitions that is used across contexts. However, the primary definition of culture can be seen as a pattern of shared behaviors and their interactions, the use of cognitive kind of constructs, and the effective kind of understanding that is learned through the process of socialization. It also consists of s shared set of customs, norms and beliefs. The culture is not a singular entity and may have other kinds of dimensions as well (Andrew 96). This may comprise of a definitive culture being present in one part of a country and the absence in another. Together, they form a part of the common understanding of culture. From the point of view of the debate at hand and the two contrasting opinions, we can draw up a form of comprehension of different kinds of factors that can be used to explain all of these. Now, let us take each of the points and understand the factors that shall be helpful in defining the context of this discussion. Narayan has mentioned about the fact that the individuals who live away from the homeland tend to suffer from a cultural disconnect. Let us comprehend the definition of culture in a more refined manner and de-construct the argument. The definition of culture shall help in explaining the finer points of this argument. Culture is an amalgam of shared patterns. This implies that the formation of the initial belief structure is fomented by the exposure to indigenous culture. But, for any individual living in foreign land or an adopted country, the patterns of shared behavior tend to become diffused in nature. There is an enforced behavior that gains prominence when compared to the generic behavior. The cultural patterns of shared behavior in any country are different from the others leading to a change in the perception. Each culture has a distinctive style of imparting a means of understanding the needs of a society. It channelizes the different forms of behavior in humans as a part of the society. The levels of cognition are varied according to the learning as different parts of the society. This forms an essential degree of difference among the various elements. The cognitive understanding of culture varies among different countries. So, in case o f any individual has lived away from their homeland or their ancestral land, they tend to develop a dissociated sense of cognitive construct (Keleman 233). According to Parsons, the social construct of any individual consists of the following components. They are as follows- The process of biological needs that are defined by the behavioral system of any culture or place. The â€Å"personality system†

How the specifics of social network relate to that of the Not So Essay

How the specifics of social network relate to that of the Not So collective associations - Essay Example These aspects include; our history, our culture, our religion, our traditions, our education and our political establishments. The reasons behind the evolution of such theories are as far stretched as the earth could be, but basically they depend on the beliefs which are held by diverse scholars and thinkers of our regions. With reference to the subject matter of the ‘Cultural Theory’, this paper will provide an interpretation in accordance to the formulation of the evolution of the social networks and how they relate to our cultural evaluations and representations. As Williams believed that some of the major historical and philosophical issues construct such statements (2003: pp.1) as that which is under presentation in this paper, thus, through brief examinations and verifications in the words of Williams presented by Ayrey and Everist â€Å"the specifics of works relate to structures which are not the works† (2007: pp.301) have been explicated in this paper. Af ter the examination of Williams’s outlook on the cultural theory various point of views can be put forth with regard to the subject of social networks which has been chosen. But in order to understand how the two areas or the focal points intersect the familiarization of the basic characterization and explanation of both the terms is necessary. Thus, the first or foremost term to be classified is ‘Culture’. This question and its answer hold immense importance as it is such a part of any community that identifies its existence. Hence, this statement itself verifies what culture is but to be on cleat terms the expression ‘Culture’ has been identified by Kalman as the way the human beings live and the roots which construct their methods of interaction, lifestyle and beliefs (2009: pp.4) Therefore, culture is essentially the part which makes the way of living the life for human beings and this major ingredient is put forth, and represented by human being s to signify their background and their relationship with their milieu. Whereas, the second term which needs to be classified is ‘Social Network’, thus, it has been elucidated as ‘all those sources or methods through which people communicate and interact with each other for both formal and informal causes’. Thus, these sources could be web-based technologies, applications or softwares which enable human beings to interrelate to each other. There is an enormous and astonishingly significant relationship between the above to mentioned terms. With the passage of time people are recognizing the values of their cultures and traditions and alongside they are being provided a large number of opportunities to represent their culture. These opportunities if devoured in a positive manner can cause an extremely constructive effect on the various cultures of the people throughout the world, on the other hand if consumed negatively could definitely prove as a root of of f-putting results. But the most important fact is that the cultural promotion and propagation is starting to be affected more and more by these advancements of the interactive sources. Thus the relationship of social network to that of the representation of our culture and our backgrounds is linked through the cultural theory of Williams. How so? This is due to the fact that along with the modernization of our society the methods of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Team Building 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Building 1 - Essay Example 2. Self-Directed Teams: Self Directed teams are self-managed and take the responsibility of completely managing the entire work segments or processes. In general, these are highly experienced, skilled and knowledgeable groups having considerable power in terms of directing, making decisions and ownership of the entire job (West, 2012) . Self directed teams can be found in companies as teams handling an entire production line or an entire category of brand. A self-directed team can be best utilized by cross-training activities that will help them in mastering their job. Cross-training will also allow better flexibility within the team thereby generating higher performance among team members (Cook, Mangla & Ummer, 2009). 3. Decision team: Decision teams are often found in highest positions in an organization. For instance, the board of directors or strategic management team handle importance decision making task such as setting organizational objectives, long-term and short term vision and strategies for sales and development of products and services. This team is also generally in charge of the strategic and financial plans. The decision team can be best utilized in creating external corporate contacts and developing networks for funding and long-term development and sustainability of the organization (Dyer, W.G., Dyer, Jr & Dyer, G. H. 2007). After consulting with numerous teams and conducting extensive research on the performance, analysts have discovered four â€Å"Cs† which teams need to understand as well as manage for achieving a superior performance. The four Cs are as follows; 1. Context: Context for teams refers to environment within the organization wherein a team must act. High performance teams are known to manage context in an efficient manner by 1) establishing team goals that are measurable, compelling and clear, 2) Making team work a critical component for achieving

Apple company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apple company - Essay Example Conclusively, in the current fiscal year of 2010, the company was recorded to earn its all time highest profit of $15.68 billion, certainly as a result of its efficient strategic choices (Apple, 2010). An appropriate strategic alliance is undoubtedly a crucial tool to determine the success of a company. Thus, the paper in its further discussion shall emphasise on the strategies adapted by the company and their competency level in comparison to the major competitors Apple Inc. at present is ranked first in the computer manufacturing industry, with an over all score of 7.95 in the international market. To secure the company in this position the management had to adapt numerous strategies, tactics and operational measures. For instance, the innovation strategy, the expansion strategy, the financial strategy, and many other strategies have continuously implemented by the company to achieve the position it is holding in the global industry (Tkaczyk, 2010). The company has been known in the market to bring up continuous innovations and creations to develop its competency. The history of Apple Inc. is stuffed with many such creations of new products and developments of the old ones to bring about revolution in the global technology industry. Even in the current year the company is not without its technological creation. For instance, the company adapted a strategy in the current year to diversify its marketing product from merely PC based to non-PC based items. It was in this respect that the company launched the iPad after the impressive success of iPods and iPhones (Yoffie & Kim, 2010). As strategies mean the planning and decision taking for the betterment of the company, tactic refers to the clever implementation of the planning. It is important due to a certain reason that a strategic plan is only going to be successful if it is applied in the correct form at

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

'Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl Research Paper

'Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl - Research Paper Example Man’s Search for Meaning.† The themes are so critically reviewed to the extent that the critical application of Viktor’s text gives a perfect analysis for other different real-life occurrences. Given the reason to critical applicability, the below essay critically analyzes the movie â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† all from a critical viewpoint of Viktor’s reasoning ideas. On one hand, Viktor suffers as a victim of the Auschwitz Concentration camp as an inmate victim of the World War II. To Viktor, it is quite clear and the general fact that most of the inmates of such level are bound to loose meaning to life. Upon such situation, the inmates slowly grow weak right from the inside. The absolute result is witnessed by all when the individual reveals the inner weaknesses through poor mental conditions and extremely poor health appearances. According to Viktor, an inmate survived longer in the concentration camps depending on how strong the individual meaning for life was. Indeed, Viktor had critically reviewed the some of the most influential human life-facts in history (Victor, 38). In order for every divine individual to live a happy and satisfying life, it is in his or her basic interest to identify the basic purpose in life and derive the most positive fruits from it. The author believes in the conception that if one manages to identify a purpose to live, makes all possible positive feelings of it, and immensely lives to the imagined future outcome; then it is upon fate for the success to be witnessed. Whereas, on theother hand, â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† brings about a whole new approach to people trying to find critical meaning for their lives. The film is set at the action of an estranged couple, former lovers who had their memories erased for the sake of better meaning for their individual lives. Well, the film could have been set on the basis of some fictional life events. However, it emanates and resemble the very

Cooperative Learning Activity and Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cooperative Learning Activity and Paper - Essay Example Some students may be very dormant while others may be fully involved, hence lack of accountability and equal participation which, are the basics of cooperative learning. Unlike cooperative learning whereby individual student performance is monitored publicly, in group work, the overall outcomes from the group is what matters most even if one of the students did not get the concept of the learning activity, hence cooperative learning is more efficient than group work (McCafferty et al, 2006). Activities that can be done in cooperative learning groups includes; teacher identifying a specific topic with different subtopics. Under the subtopics, each student is given a task to research on and finally presents it in their cooperative learning groups as the other students listens to the posed ideas and clarifies on any issue that is not clear. Through this, all the individuals gain from the learning activity. Another cooperative learning activity is modelling of a structure like maybe an urban planning landscape, whereby each student is given a different component of the landscape to incorporate into the whole landscape model. After each student has carried out their task, all the students are responsible and accountable of the final model of the urban landscape. In addition, a student may be given an area of expertise to teach the whole class. Through this, the student teaching gains as much as the learners through what he or she has taught (McCafferty et al, 2006). A good example, in an elementary class, grade one, where shapes are the best method of introducing geometry in mathematics, cooperative learning can be incorporated to the students learning. In a class that is meant to go for an hour, students can be divided into four groups with five individuals each. Each group is to be assigned a shape like circle, triangle, square and rectangle. A

Monday, August 26, 2019

Evaluation of the Company's Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evaluation of the Company's Strategy - Essay Example The main objective of author of the study is not only to show the current strategic position of the company through strategic management analysis, but also would help in conducting environmental scanning, strategy formulation and implementation. This would help in understanding the changing market dynamics. The design of effective strategies for each line of business of the company would help in gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. The strategic evaluation of TESCO would also be done to help the managers assess the present organizational structure for error detection. Introduction: History TESCO is one of the leading supermarket retailer in United Kingdom (UK), and the fourth largest retailer in the world after Walmart, Carrefour and Home Depot. It is also one of the largest online grocery retailers in UK (Humby, Phillips and Hunt, 2008). Initially, Tesco specialized in food retailing but later it diversified into non food segments like clothing, electronic appliances, banking, insurance and telecommunications (TESCO Plc, 2013a). Present Situation of TESCO The company has a worldwide presence in China, India, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and many other countries. TESCO employs 300,000 people and operates 3,000 stores worldwide. TESCO employs 300,000 people and operates 3,000 stores worldwide. The company operates 200 stores in UK itself and offers a varied range of food items. It is the leading brand of food retailing in UK followed by Everyday Value. Tesco has always believed that the strategy of the company needs to be revised as per the changing taste and preference of consumers. Tesco believes in improving the customer service by responding to the customer needs and wants. The stores are usually renovated from time to time, in order to give customers a warmer and refreshing feel in the stores. TESCO products are usually low priced and of better quality (TESCO Plc, 2013b). The company believes in undertaking environmental and soci al responsibilities. It publishes its corporate social responsibility charter every year (Dinkhoff, 2009). Analysis &Critical Evaluation of TESCO Strategic Positioning It is necessary to undertake a strategic analysis at an industry level and also analyze various strategies for targeted segments. A useful and purposeful framework, which will help in identifying the resources and capabilities that are required to operate within a particular market (Aker and McLoughlin, 2010). This framework helps in formulation of strategies that help the company in gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. Porter’s Five Forces Model The five forces framework model developed by Michael Porter is instrumental in determining the competitive intensity and attractiveness of an industry by the interaction of five competitive forces. Threat of new entrants: The UK retail industry is suffering from economic slowdown which is indirectly affected by the low consumer spending and decrease in t he demand of varied food and non food items. There has been limited entry of retail departmental stores in the UK retail

Basic spanish project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Basic spanish project - Essay Example Su duracià ³n es como las demà ¡s estaciones, 3 meses. Estos son junio, julio, y agosto. Me gusta ir a la playa y salir con mis amistades. En esos meses tambià ©n estoy de vacaciones de la escuela y me encanta. Topic: Write about your bedroom (or the room where you sleep). You may include the names of people you share it with (if anyone), descriptions of your furniture, decorations, sizes, colors, etc. (Assume you are a 16 year old boy and have a room to yourself) Mi cuarto de dormir es grande. Ahà ­ tengo mi espacio favorito. Duermo solo. El color del cuarto es azul royal y los muebles son de caoba. Tengo una cama, dos mesas de noche, dos là ¡mparas de noche, un mueble con gavetas, y un armario. Write a paragraph in Spanish that describes where you live. Use at least 5 sentences. Be sure to note what street you live on, and the locations of at least two of your friends in relation to you, your school, home, or other place you spend time at (like a library, shopping mall, park, etc.) Your paragraph needs to include the respective locations of next to, in front of, and near. (Again presume you are a 16 year old boy, two friends are Jake and Ahmed, he likes to go to the cinema and shopping Mall which are about 3km away) School is 5km away in an area called Saar. Vivo en la Ciudad de Nueva York, en la calle Chile. Mi amigo Jake y mi amigo Ahmed viven a dos cuadras de mi casa. Ellos viven al lado, son vecinos. Vamos mucho al parque que queda frente a mi casa. Despuà ©s del juego vamos a la bodega a tomar refrescos. La bodega esta cerca del parque. Nos gusta mucho esta actividad. Write a paragraph in Spanish of at least eight sentences that tell about your typical day. Use the vocabulary and verbs you have learned in Units 1-4 of this course. You may include activities you do with family and friends. (16 year old boy, talk about School until 2p.m, lunch, walk the dog, homework, go to Ahmed or Jake’s house to hang out and watch DVD’s, dinner at

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The changing of a product among the years Assignment

The changing of a product among the years - Assignment Example However, after that point when the war ended, and America became more prosperous again, car production increased even faster than it had in the past due to all the demand that had built up during the war years and the fact that people had "several years worth of savings to spend" ("The History of 1940s Cars"). A few of the important changes that had happened after the wars end included the following. The efficiency of cars increased in terms of new technology like tires, better gas filters, and other newer developments that had been researched at war time ("The History of 1940s Cars"). In the 1950s, there was a big focus on modern designs and an increase in the speed of cars, and cars became sleeker looking and a lot of things we consider essential today like air conditioning were introduced for the first time ("Cars in the 1950s"). Cars are particularly interesting because of the rapid increases that have happened even in the past three or four years. Unlike some other products, cars are always being improved upon. For example, there is a company today called Tesla which builds completely electric cars, and their car the Tesla S could be "set to herald a sea change" in the design of cars completely

Internation finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internation finance - Essay Example Owing to the use of foreign exchange in many transactions, businessmen have to hedge their exposures overseas, and to do this they would need to use currencies too to protect their assets or receivables that are denominated in foreign currencies. Others use foreign currencies to engage in speculation abroad, and many mutual funds and hedge funds engage in speculation for possible profit. Thus foreign currencies are necessary to make international trade and investments possible and to help smooth transactions in the tourism industry in many countries. Unlike the stock exchanges, there is no single formal foreign exchange market; it is in fact an over the counter market similar to the one for money market instruments. The main participants are the large multinational commercial banks and investment banking houses. They operate at two levels, the wholesale level where banks operate in the interbank market; and at the retail level, where they deal with individuals and corporations. However, many transactions are mediated by foreign exchange brokers in order to preserve the anonymity of the transacting parties (Kidwell et al 377). The other major participants are the central banks of many countries which may intervene in the market from time to time to modulate the fluctuations of their currencies. Other participants are individuals and non-financial businesses who enter the market for various reasons including speculation. Foreign exchange trading operates without fixed trading hours, round the clock, everyday of the year: When one market closes another elsewhere in the world opens. There are no written rules, and transactions are done according to some principles and code of ethics (Hill 322) There are two basic types of foreign exchange quotations – the spot land forward market. The spot market, with quotations by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example United States of America, however refused to give in to the widely accepted trend of abolition of capital punishment and still continues to practice the act. According to a text quoted in Michelangelo and Mary E. Days ‘Death Penalty USA: 2000-2002’, capital punishment is said to serve two significant purposes in the USA; retribution and deterrence of capital crimes by prospective offenders ( 1). United States of America now finds itself being pushed into a club made up of members countries that it never even imagined before to be linked to; for example China and Congo (Steiker 1). There are many reasons for capital punishment to be still a viable option in states other than just America. Before we go into a discussion of the reasons that support it, one should know that capital punishment is served for a list of capital offences only. In order to make sure that the law isn’t loosely administered; tough punishments need to exist. Those prospective offenders who hav e not yet committed a crime and posses a balanced psychological health will retract their steps towards the offence by the examples of capital punishment. Countries do realize at a time that capital punishment is necessary for certain special situations and therefore allow it in those special circumstances. President of United States of America, Richard Nixon is known to believe that offenders who involve themselves in crimes such as human/drug trafficking and/or theft are rational human beings who violate the laws intentionally. Thus they should be dealt with an iron hand and stringent policies that have no room for emotions (Tatalovich, Daynes, & Lowi 70). Apart from rational capital offenders, the reason why capital punishment is still an accepted and supported phenomena in United States of America is the country’s homicide rate which is much higher than the states that have abolished the act. Stated in Carol S. Steiker’s paper on ‘Capital Punishment and Ameri can Exceptionalism’, it was observed in the 1960’s and 1970’s that the homicide rates peaked when America’s stance on capital punishment had first began to diverge from its original path (5-8). This proves that in a country like United States of America, death penalty needs to remain as an operative word because it is what keeps the offenders in check and the homicide rate low. One of the most significant reasons stated by the supporters of capital punishment be it a certain percentage of the population, policy makers or the politicians; is that it deters crimes such as murders (Lambert, Clarke & Lambert 6).Murder is a capital crime and a strict action towards the murderer is necessary in order to create an example for potential murderers. Also the fact that it saves state a lot of taxpayer’s money, plays an important role in death penalty still being carried out in USA. Capital punishment is opposed on the basis of human rights as many claim that it violates the basic element of human right that each and every person has over his/her life. Yet they forget to take under consideration the rights violated of the human just murdered by the criminal. Retribution is what capital punishment supports because it is an appropriate reaction to the cruel crimes committed (Lambert, Clarke & Lambert 6). Majority of the population support capital punishme

S.O.A.P Analysis for the ten essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

S.O.A.P Analysis for the ten essays - Essay Example [98words] The current essay is a humorous piece, so it has more of entertaining meaning and probably was written as a kind of ‘intermezzo’. As we can see from the text itself, the author was inspired by the comical incident in the hotel room that happened to him â€Å"recently†, when he was to â€Å"introduce the president of the company to the group of customers†. However, a funny (or terrifying?) situation that occurred to Koch, made his president â€Å"give up waiting and introduce himself† without Koch’s help. Thus, there were no specific occasions for publishing this essay except entertainment and fun. [100 words] As a piece written in humorous style, ‘Naked in Orlando’ addresses no particular audience or certain group of people. The essay is obviously directed to the wide audience of readers preferring light reading. The author uses neither specific language nor references to ‘global topics’ like religion, history, nation or nature. Koch just painted his ‘horror bathroom story’ in bright colors describing his â€Å"adventure† in detail. However, even though the essay is intended for a wide audience, its humoristic nature would probably be better understood by those who are familiar with Agent MacGyver series which was on TV till early 1990’s. [100 words] The purpose of the piece is entertaining the reader and conveying the message that nobody is secured from a misfortune (either funny or serious) and sometimes only good fortune can help as it actually did when the â€Å"maintenance guy† appeared and helped the narrator out of his prison with â€Å"mirrors and high-voltage light bulbs turning it into an oven†. The author uses numerous dramatic exaggerations to make the story sound more serious and funny at the same time. Turning an ordinary nasty misfortune into an action with ‘thrilling’ descriptions and allusion to agent MacGyver help to convey the humoristic message of the piece. [100

Business Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Finance - Essay Example Union (EU) and creation of bodies such as South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SCCRC), North Atlantic Treaty Organizations (NATO) and Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) are all examples of such regionalization. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is also one of these organizations which have been developed to promote the interests of the whole Southeast Asia. Being a fast growing economic bloc, observers pay a special attention towards its financial worth now and in future. Here we would focus on financial implications of ASEAN being our research question, vis-Ã  -vis other blocs and in global economy as a whole. Our research method would be primarily comparative and analytical and will be based on available historical data, both in print and electronic media, as primary research does not suit the purpose. We will also deliberate upon the individual contribution of member states wherever seems necessary. ASEAN was founded on August 8, 1967. Initially, it had five member countries namely Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. Since then, five more countries have joined ASEAN namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and Laos making it a vibrant regional organization with ten members. Together these nations look to strengthen their political, economic, social and cultural development. With the passage of time ASEAN has provided even bigger platforms for nations of the region to sit together. One of them is ASEAN plus three where three economic giants of East Asia i.e. China, South Korea and Japan also attend the meetings to further the cause of regional development. Similarly, the creation of East Asian Summit is another step towards such regional dialogue. East Asian Summit includes New Zealand, Australia and India in addition to the ASEAN plus three states making it a meeting point for 16 nation states. 5. To mutually work for the development of agricultural, industrial and trade related issues.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Race and Your Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Race and Your Community - Essay Example who has not had much engagement in the arena of race discourse and who have been spared the oppressions wrought upon racial minorities, it is all too easy for me to forget that there are looming issues that need to be resolved and ugly truths that have to be confronted. And while much has changed since the 1800’s, and new developments have been introduced that have sought to alleviate the racial divide not only in this State and in this country but in the world as well, it is incorrect to believe that the problem has been completely solved. We must be grateful that the world we have now is a better, more tolerant and more accepting world, but we must still try to think of steps to further reduce the racial divide. I look around me and I see that members of my community look like me. White Americans easily form 70% of my community, though there are those of African American, Asian and Latin American descent around me. Caucasians look alike for obvious reasons – skin color, eye color and hair color reveal a common racial blueprint. Even the most idle observer would perhaps be able to distinguish among the races because of these distinctions. It is also worthy to note that the racial divide seems to extend to choice in fashion, music, and the like. African-Americans tend to dress alike, for instance, and have the same tastes in music. For example, Tennessee boasts of a long tradition of gospel music, commonly associated with African Americans. Jazz music is also another Tennessee tradition. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s – the period wherein blacks made their mark in the artistic scene – saw black musicals and jazz music emerging in the mainstream scene. Indeed, the differences in the musical tastes run deep and add a colorful flavor to the Tennessee cultural collage. Of course, there are many songs of recent vintage that cut across race, particularly among the younger generation. Our political office is comprised of African-Americans and Caucasians

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Leadership - Essay Example To enhance teams performance one proven approach that helps with this is the GROW model. GROW is an acronym standing for Goal - Current Reality - Options - Will. A useful metaphor for the GROW model is the plan we might make for an important journey. First, it starts with a map: With this, one can help the team member decide where they are going (their Goal) and establish where they currently are (their Current Reality). Then explore the various ways (the Options) of making the journey. In the final step, establishing the Will, leader ensures the team members are committed to making the journey and prepared for the conditions and obstacles they may meet on their way. . Therefore the key is that the team should be viewed as an important resource whose maintenance must be managed just like any other resource and that this management should be undertaken by the team itself so that it forms a normal part of the teams activities. As a collection of people, a group needs to relearn some basic manners and people-management skills. In a study by Peter and William (2004) they concluded that strong organizational support, team leadership, and high levels of interpersonal team skills help quality improvement teams go further. Thus a trained leader and team training can help any service team to act professionally and yield desired results. Peter, M., William, W. (2004). Characteristics of successful quality improvement teams: Lessons from five collaborative projects in the VHA, 30(7), 152-162. Retrieved December 15, 2008 from

Did Attorney Evans Bump Her Head on the Glass Ceiling Case Study

Did Attorney Evans Bump Her Head on the Glass Ceiling - Case Study Example When working together though, both men and women tend to portray certain behaviors and they tend to even identify with them. According to (Powell, 48), women demonstrate emotional behaviors and an extended level of care and concern for their families and children. From the case, for example, women attorneys always complained that they were not allowed enough family time and it was becoming a bother to them. Due to the notion that is held by people that women are weaker, they try to prove themselves stronger and can end up working round the clock so as to achieve the recognition they always long for. This can make the women be possessive and always fight for equality in the group. On the other hand, behave to be stronger both emotionally and physically but they can bear less stress as compared to women. Men also tend to care for the women in the group emotionally and will always be willing to support them at least in a normal working environment. In an organization, the contribution of every member is as important and in a working group, both men and women have different strengths that can be helpful to the general success of the organization. To begin with, women are good organizers and are always sensitive to the current ideas that come up in the organization and affect each worker in one way or another. This means that women can come up with the ideas that can work towards the improvement of the workers' welfare hence motivating them to work towards the general good of the company. Men, on the other hand, can be good in idea generation and can always be there for their partners at work if need be.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Year of the Flood Essay Example for Free

The Year of the Flood Essay â€Å"The Year of the Flood† is an epic, sprawling novel that moves back and forth between past, present and future effortlessly. Though it is told from Ren and Toby’s point of view, the novel is really about the story of three women (Ren, Toby, and Amanda) and their will to survive in a cruel and harsh world. It is a story of hope, despite all odds and a story of the power of love. Fatefulness about the survival of the species is not new. Religious thinking has end-time built in, and most of our sentient life on the planet humankind has been predominantly religious. That has changed in Westernized countries, but only relatively recently, and alongside advances in scientific knowledge. Our new pessimism no longer depends on a deity to wipe out this wicked world. Since the Manhattan Project, we have learned to do these ourselves. That end is also the end of â€Å"The Year of the Flood. † Here Atwood has brilliantly re-told her own tale, through other mouths and focusing on different details, showing us how the kids Jimmy and Glenn become the Snowman and Crake, (from â€Å"Oryx and Crake†) and how an end or the End can happen in the name of new beginning. The Waterless Flood has long been predicted by God’s Gardeners, a back-to-nature cult founded by Adam One. Its members live simply and organically, sing terrible hymns, have no dress sense and peddle a bolted-together theology, difficult to think about if you think at all. With values diametrically opposed to those of the ruling CorpSEcorps, the Gardeners aren’t â€Å"the answer,† but at least they’ve asked enough questions to avoid a life of endless shopping and face-lifts. The Gardeners sometimes do evangelical work in the mean streets, known as the pleeblands, or picket at fast-food joints like SecretBurgers because it’s wrong to eat anything with a face. At SecretBurgers they have rescued a young woman named Toby from the murderous clutches of her sex-crazed boss, Blanco the Bloat, and it’s Toby who is one of the central characters in the post-plague part of the story. As a Gardener, Toby rises to the position of Eve Six, in charge of the bees, herbs and potions, but Blanco never stops pursuing her, and to save herself, and the group, she receives a new identity in the health spa AnooYoo. Recovering from plastic surgery, she avoids the deathly wipeout germ of plague. Less cosmetically, but just as effectively, Ren, a pole dancer at a local sex joint called Scales and Tails, is in an isolation room after a bloody attack by a punter, so she too misses the bio-bug. The women’s past and present stories alternate and intertwine, bringing to life the world they must survive in- a world where pigs have human tissues and sheep are bred with human hair in different colors, silver and purple being the hot hits for whole-head implants, providing you don’t mind smelling of lamb chops when it rains. The sensitive CorpSEcorps elite boy Glenn, who becomes Crake, starts out as a teenage sympathizer for the Gardeners but is too seduced by his own brain power to trust nature. Like his friend Jimmy, Glenn doesn’t know to love, and the awkward devotion he feels for the girl he calls Oryx isn’t returned. Atwood is really good at showing, without judging, what happens when human beings cannot love. In the worst of them, like Blanco, brutality and sadism take over. In the better of them, Crake designs out love and romance because he wants to design out the pain and confusion of emotion. In this strangely lonely book, where neither love or romance changes the narrative, friendship of a real and lasting and risk-taking kind stands against the emotional emptiness of the money/sex/power/consumer world of CorpSEcorps, and as the proper antidote to the plague—mongering of Crake and Jimmy, for whom humankind holds so little promise. As ever with Atwood, it is friendship between women that is noted and celebrated—friendship not without its jealousies but friendship that survives rivalry and disappointment, and has a generosity that at the end of the novel allows for hope. Atwood believes in human kind, and she likes women. It is Toby and Ren who take the novel forward from the last page, not the genetically engineered new humans. Atwood is funny and clever, such a good writer and real thinker that there’s hardly any point saying that not everything in this novel works. Why should it? A high level of creativity has to let in some chaos; just as nobody would want the world as engineered by Crake; nobody needs a factory-finished novel. The flaws in â€Å"The Year of the Flood† are part of the pleasure, as they are with human beings, that species so threatened by its own impending suicide and help up here for us to look at, mourn over, laugh at and hope for. Atwood knows how to show us ourselves, but the mirror she holds up to life does more than reflect- it’s like one of those mirrors made with mercury that gives us both a deepening and distorting effect, allowing both the depths of human nature and its potential mutations. We don’t know how we will evolve, or if we will evolve at all. â€Å"The Year of the Flood† isn’t a prophecy, but is eerily possible.

Designing aquestionnaire Essay Example for Free

Designing aquestionnaire Essay Above is an example of an multi choice radio button question that I got off the internet, I think again this is a quick and easy type of answering as it is quick and easy and would not put people off by thinking they have to spend a lot of time writing, as all they have to do is to tick boxes. Beneath it is an example of a mutli choice way of answering, where all you have to do is choose from a list of wanes by clicking on the drop down and scrolling down and picking the answer. The only disadvantage with this type of answering is that people have to choose an answer from the list and cannot enter an original answer them selves. After looking at my research and all of the different types of layouts for questions on a questionnaire I have decided to try and incorporate some of them into my own, giving my questionnaire a variety of questions. I have decided to design a questionnaire for hairdressers about to open in the area. The main objectives of it are to see whether people think there is need for new hairdressers and whether they would use it. I will develop my questionnaire in draft each time editing and improving them. I am going to look at information about the types of questions in a questionnaire and look at some of the types of answers eg, multi-choice. I will conduct my research by looking on the Internet and looking examples of original questionnaires. Below is a sample of a questionnaire that I found on the Internet. I went onto a collage website and found a questionnaire that is available for students to fill in. it has many different types of questions and different way of answering them. Most of the questions just have answer tick boxes but some had select from list e. t. c The answer boxes are customisable scales, bad good, and 1-5. I think this type of questionnaire is good as it can be completed fairly quickly and is easy to understand.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nigerian Civil Service History

Nigerian Civil Service History In tracing the emergence and growth of the civil service in Nigeria, Nwosu (1977) started from 1900 when Britain formally established the authority in most of the administrative purposes. They were in the colony of Lagos and the protectorate of Northern and Southern Nigeria. Later in 1906, the Lagos colony was merged with the southern protectorate and renamed the colony and protectorate of Southern Nigeria. In 1914, the two protectorates were amalgamated and subsequently became known as the colony and protectorate of Nigeria. In order to be able to administer the territory, Britain imposed a unified alien civil service on Nigeria without giving much thought to its impact on the Nigerian traditional communities with their conflicting values, interest, norms and authority structure (Kingsley 1963). It must be pointed out that despite the amalgamation and its attendant unification of the civil services of the North and South, the two are still developed at their own pace. The major function of civil service at the time was mainly the maintenance of law and raising enough revenue to sustain the colonial authority. According to Okoli Onah (2002), the service was geared towards the negative policy of preventing trouble in the areas under its administration. Economic and social development was never a major objective of the administration. The colonial civil service according to Nwosu 1977 had its structure; at the Head of Public Service was the Governor-General, who was accountable to the colonial secretary in London. The colonial secretary was himself accountable to the British cabinet and the parliament. The governor-general delegated his authority to the Chief Secretary, who was the effective head of the service. The chief secretary coordinated the whole service which was divided into two major parts the departmental and the political administration. The departmental administration covers the technical and professional functions of the colonial regime. These include education, health, treasury, agriculture, forestry, public works and audit. The various heads assisted the chief secretary. They not only advised the Governor but initiated policies, participated in legislation and supervised the execution of enacted bills and approved policies. While the head of technical department operated from Lagos. Their subordinates were in charge of field offices. The field officers included the lieutenant-governor, the resident and district officers, the officers who are pillars of colonial civil service were fully responsible for maintenance of law and order and the mobilization of resources which were the main object of colonial administration. The field officer did not rule the people directly, rather they owned the people and that is indirect rule. In the north, it was completely successful because of the indigenous political and administrative structure on ground. In the west, it was partially successful because of the peoples contact with western education and in the east; it was a complete failure because of the republican nature of the peoples government. The fusion of western administration with the traditional African system produced a new structure which Nwosu (1977) says corresponded with Fred Riggs description of the pattern of role differentiation in a traditional society. At this early period, Nigerians were restricted to the lower echelons of the civil service. The south and the north; though amalgamated, still had their separate civil services. Principles of the Civil Service The civil service is guided by the triple maxims of anonymity, neutrality and impartiality. The principles of permanence are also seen as part of the maxims (Obiajulu Obi 2004). Anonymity: this states that civil servants should be seen and not heard. Though they advise political office holders on issues relating to government, they neither take the blame nor the glory of such policies. They are not expected to be seen defending such policies. Civil servants as far as possible are anonymous and should not be seen as craving for publicity. Neutrality: the civil servant must be politically neutral. His job is to serve the government of the day irrespective of what he feels about that particular government. He should not allow his personal prejudices color his dedication to his duty. He is not expected to be a card carrying member of a political party or get involved in partisan politics though he is expected to vote at election times. Impartiality: Civil servants are paid from tax payers money which does not belong to anybody or group in particular. They are therefore expected to discharge their duties without fear or favor in rendering such service to the public. The civil servant is expected to treat everybody with a high degree of impartiality. Permanence: the civil service is often defined as a permanent body of officials that carryout government decisions. It is permanent and its life is not tied to the life of any particular government. Government come and goes but the civil service remains. Functions of the Civil Service According to Obiajulu Obi (2004), the major function of the civil service is the implementation of government policies. Civil servants are not policy makers and are not really in a position to question government policies. Whenever a policy is made, it becomes the role of the civil servants to implement the policy the way the government of the day wants it to be. The federal and state civil servants play important role in policy formulation and advice. They play a major economic, social and educational objective of both the federal and state governments. The civil service also gathers statistical information for the activities of the government. Senior civil servants also have to inform the public about the achievements, abilities and problems facing the government. Also, Ezeani (2005) noted that the civil service is a store of knowledge of past government decisions and procedures. Thus, it plays an educative role by assisting professionals and military political executives (as is the case in Nigeria), especially the new ones to adapt themselves to the realities of their offices (This Week, 1988:19). The civil servants also play investigative and regulatory functions. CHAPTER TWO Structure of the Nigerian Civil Service The civil service is mainly organized around the federal ministries headed by a minister appointed by the president, who must include at least one member of the 36 states in his cabinet. Presidents appointment is confirmed by the senate of Nigeria. There are less than 36 ministries. In some cases, a federal minister is responsible for more than one ministry and a minister may be assisted by one or more ministers of state. Each ministry has a permanent secretary who is a senior civil servant. The ministries are responsible for various parastatals (government owned corporations) such as education, National Broadcasting Commission (information) and Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Other parastatals are the responsibility of the office of the presidency such as the Independent Electoral Commission, the Federal Civil Service Commission, etc. Role of the Civil Service in National Development The civil service is a vital part of government machinery and its role is decisive in ensuring the stability of governance, its quality and ability to perform and push the frontiers of national development. According to Edozien, a former permanent secretary, the civil service inherited from the British was effective, efficient offered a socially responsible service and was well respected and regarded by the political class. So also was the civil service under phase one of the national development plan covering 1960 1975). He said that phase two 1975 1999 started with a blow of the morale of the civil service as permanent secretaries were compulsorily retired and were barred form accompanying their ministers to federal executive council (FEC) meetings, while job security was no longer guaranteed. Engr. Ebele Okeke described the civil service as a critical contact between the government and the people in the area of good government and the people in the area of good governance and service delivery. The success of any government depends on a virile civil service. Hence, the civil service remains very crucial and critical to national development and democratic stability. In developing states, why years of military and authoritarian rule in most developing societies have impacted negative political culture on the character and philosophy of the service, yet its role in national development cannot be undervalued. However, since military regimes and authoritarian rule have lost their appeal in modern government. The need to reform civil and public service to be in tune with democratic values becomes highly imperative. An efficient civil service acts as a catalyst in the development of all nations. While on the other hand, its inefficiency can constitute as one of the heaviest mill stones round the neck of developing nations. Therefore, it is important to most that the civil service must be efficient to service the newly found democratic project for stability and survival of the polity. Since it is the vehicle and machinery of public policy formulation and implementation, it is also to be noted that democracy with its attractive values will enhance the workings of the public service and redefine, reorient and reposition it to be more affective, mobile and productive partner in national reconstruction agenda (Ayodele and Bolaji). Bureaucratic bottleneck, high levels of corruption and personalization of governmental affairs exhibited hitherto by the civil service are highly anti-democratic. Democracy is expected to bear on the attitude and change this negative democratic attitude to service. Democracy has rekindled the expectation and optimism of the people in the ability of the civil service to be relevant to he challenges of growth and development. The strategic relevance of civil service in policy formulation and implementing cannot be over emphasized. In the developing societies especially in the immediate past independence era the public service assumed the pivotal roles as the vehicle of development. In fact, Ejifor (2003) posits that civil service in the developing societies is everything and that the most important catalyst of development is an efficient service while at the same time its inefficient constitute the heaviest millstones of any nation. This is similar to the view of Agagu (1997:233) who contends that public and civil service is the continuously active business part of government concerned with carrying out the law, as made by the legislative bodies in the process of organization and management. In scope, the influence of the civil service is not debatable; it remains definitely a major force in todays governance. The civil service contains a network of human relationships and associations extending from the highly influential government officials to the lowest paid and powerless individual charged with all resources, natural and human and all other aspects of the life of the society with which the government is concerned (Nnoli, 2000:44). In essence, public service is the totality of how progress and development are made in the society. The Nigerian civil service has faced a number of challenges, which has considerably undermined its capacity to serve as agent of national development. Such challenges include those of achieving technical competence, coping with public expectation and change, behaving ethically and maintaining constitutional order. The truth is that all these problems are inextricably linked to failure of the civil service to play its rightful role in system maintenance and continuity. Again, in order to enhance the nations development, the civil service under the auspices of the public service can partner with the private sector. In Nigeria and other developing countries, sustainable access to healthcare and other socio-economic services and products can be accomplished through public-private partnerships, where the government delivers the minimum standard of services, products and care, the private sector brings skills and core competencies while donors and business bring funding and other resources. Such collaborations will be especially productive in promoting poverty alleviation through partnerships as has been the case with polio eradication and other child immunization efforts. However, this public-private partnership would help to highlight perspectives on development, from leaders in civil society, government, business and the media, share information of development alternatives, provide forums for informed debate on related issues; seek to accomplish better understanding of the nature of relationships between governmental and non-governmental organizations and introduce conceptual frameworks for understanding such relationships. Intrinsic in the aforementioned objectives of typical public-private partnerships is the mission to contribute to the economic integration of a country/region accelerate its economic growth and sustainable development, engender and sustain private sector participation in traditionally public sector projects; and expand local assess to international markets, thereby ensuring the countrys deeper integration into the global economy. For Nigeria in particular, this could be done within the official NEPAD structure, ECOWAS and other regional economic communities in Africa, governments, private sector, civil society and other stakeholders. Finally, a vibrant and healthy civil service is the key to good governance and national development. Challenges of the Nigerian Civil Service According to Ezeani (2005), the Nigerian Civil Service has over the years been plagued by a number of problems which adversely affected its role as an instrument for socio-economic and political development of the country. The problems include: The nature of political competition in the Nigerian environment. The Nigerian civil service has been transformed into a theatre of sharing the national cake among the major ethnic and sub ethnic groups, a factor responsible for the unending demand for fragmentation of governmental structure units of ministries, divisions of major departments etc.) despite the obvious difficulties in sustaining the existing ones. The conflictual relationship between politicians and administrations Corruption e.g. looting of national treasury and lack of accountability Poor remuneration of civil servants Politicization of the civil service. As Olowu et al (1997) rightly points out politicization of the top civil services in an environment of high political instability and high turnover of officials has not only been wasteful of personnel, it has also led to a weakened role for the civil service in the development process. Ethnicity and indiscipline. A family local ethnic and other primordial ties and loyalties, sometimes compete on take precedence over loyalty to the nation and the service (Nwosu 1997) Social distance existing between the senior civil servants and the masses. Most senior civil servants have contacts with the masses and therefore do not experience their problems Lack of flexibility among bureaucrats. Civil servants cling tenaciously to routine well established procedures for doing things or red-tapism. The Military Rule and Nigeria Civil Service The history of post colonial Nigeria is fraught with military authoritarianism. This has reflected in its bureaucracy. Scholars agree that since 1966 when the military intervened in the Nigeria government and politics up to 1999 civil service has enjoyed enormous popularity due to the inability of the military class to dictate the pace of government without recourse to bureaucrats wealth of experience. It should be noted that civil servants are often used as stabilizers of the staff under military regimes. Generally, military administration manifests certain characteristics which are hallmarks of military regimes, these are: Method of Civil Service Appointment: The civil service has laid down rules and regulations guiding appointment, discipline and promotions. Under the military these processes are rubbished. Merit and seniority are relegated and mediocrity celebrated. This has brought into the service deep hatred among the rank and file of the system. This has undermined professionalism in the civil service. Decision Making Process: This under the military is usually centralized. There is no constitution, no rule of law, absence of separation of power, no democratic institution with the legislature, executive and judiciary. The decision making process are vested in one centralized body like the Supreme Military Council or Armed Forces Ruling Council. Related to the above is the military often acted with dispatch in administration. The tradition military culture has affected their method of operation even in official bus. By their training and due to their low educational background, they dont know their power limitations. Thus, most of them give appointment, promotions, contract and other forms of state privileges without due process. Absence of Separation of Powers and Function: over-concentration of power and function in one body is another feature of military regime. Military governments dont subscribe to separation of powers. Hence the issue of rule of law is out of the question. The doctrine of separation of powers presupposes that whatever power accruing to one organ shouldnt be interfered with by another. But the precepts of the military regime all governmental powers i.e. legislature, executive and to some extent, the judiciary, are concentrated in few hands. Prevalence of Spoilt System in Appointment: Often, appointments under the military are not done on merit. Successive military regimes often adopted some faithful members of the public into public administration without regard to their qualification. By this arrangement, sensitive federal and state positions were left for people who arent competent. This is in line with the military belief that any person can do the art of administration. Again because of military governments could be ousted any day it becomes a tradition among staff office occupiers to appropriate or personalize the trappings of their office. CHAPTER THREE How can National Development be fully Realized? Development has become more crucial in the developing countries to avert the lingering problem of bureaucratic maze paralyzed by partisan politics and ideological imperatives, poor coordination, implementation and sheer miscalculation that bedevil many administrative issues in the developing countries. These problems can be tackled through better monitoring accountability checks and more rigorous project evaluation. Development does not take place in a vacuum but in an environment, the environment in the field of development is a countrys socio-economic and political set up. To be conducive to national development, the civil service as an environment has to have minimum level of stability, peace and order. (Obi Obikeze 2004). National development is crucial in developing countries such as Nigerian to help them enhance their level of political economic, social and cultural wellbeing with the aid and instrumentality of the civil service. Recommendations Todays civil service needs to rediscover the time-honoured inbuilt system of training, retraining and adaptive skills in consonance with modern work practices and processes. It must imbibe the culture of innovation both in imagination and routine works as well as in developing appropriate tools for anticipating change and challenges. It must be able to institutionalize change in modern governance and societal development. It must see itself as a tool for the promotion of growth, peace, stability, development and democracy. Conclusion In conclusion, for the civil service to be both relevant and effective, it must rediscover its cherished tradition of service, loyalty and excellence and complement them with integrity, credibility, leadership, innovation and transparency in the management of scarce resources. With this, the Nigerian civil service can be capable of meeting modern challenges of national development.